B-Types and Rescue

Volvo 4X2 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle

Volvo B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle FL290 4X2
Made to customer’s specification.

Mercedes 4X4 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle

Mercedes Atego 1529 AF 4X4 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle
Made to customers specification.

Iveco 4×4 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle

Iveco Eurocargo ML150E28 WS 4×4 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle
Made to customers specification.

Scania 4X4 B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle

Scania B Type Fire Rescue Vehicle P370 4X4
Made to customer’s specification.

B-Types and Rescue

Classic B-Type fire and rescue vehicle for all fire services throughout the UK.

Normally based on a commercial 4 x 4 chassis and equipped with specialist fire and rescue equipment, this vehicle can incude both water and foam tanks and a high pressure delivery pump.

Can also be used for small airfields and airports these are often seen as a cost effect method of providing effective fire cover.