Lifting and wedging is indispensable within rescue operations. Therefore Holmatro offers lifting bags with 12 or 0.5 bar, jacks, and wedges. Experience maximum safety and control with Holmatro lifting & wedging tools.
Lifting and wedging is indispensable within rescue operations. Therefore Holmatro offers lifting bags with 12 or 0.5 bar, jacks, and wedges. Experience maximum safety and control with Holmatroslifting & wedging tools.
The new Holmatro 12 bar lifting bags offer 50% more lifting power. They come with a completely redesigned control unit, allowing you to apply this increased power in a safe and controlled way. All developed with a strong focus on ease of use.
Small details make a great difference. An integrated carrying handle to easily pick up your lifting bag. An arrow for a quick visual indication of the lifting height. An extra gauge on the control unit to keep an eye on the incoming air pressure, and more.
Jacks have the purpose to lift or push heavy loads in various lifting applications. For instance the confined spaces of collapsed buildings. It’s also possible to order a multi-purpose cylinder set with attachments for pushing, lifting, and spreading.
Another lifting and wedging option is the Holmatro wedges. Our hand-operated power wedge is made to start lifting in extreme low-height spaces. This tool is also available in a CORE (COaxial Rescue Equipment Technology) version. The CORE technology refers to the way hydraulic oil is directed from the pump to the tool and vice versa. The wedges are designed to fit in the smallest spaces. They only need a 6mm insertion height to create an initial opening for other lifting tools.